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What does vSphere 7.0 have in store for you?

Global Knowledge

VMware has launched vSphere 7.0. What are the biggest changes in the newest version of the vSphere-platform? Find out in this article.

VMware describes the launch of vSphere 7.0 as the most important of the last couple of years. With vSphere 7.0, your organization needs only one platform for all its’ applications. The reason for this is that VMware has embedded Kubernetes in vSphere. And workloads on vSphere 7 run 8 to 10 percent faster than on a bare metal machine.

Ready for vSphere 7.0?

To get started with vSphere 7.0, you’ll need to renew your VMware Cloud Foundation license. Once you’ve done this, you can upgrade to vSphere 7.0. VMware describes this process on their website.

What’s different about VMware vSphere 7.0?

The most important change in vSphere 7.0 is the integration of Kubernetes, but a lot more has changed. The biggest changes have taken place in these three areas.

  • Life cycle management
  • Security
  • Performance and resiliency

Below you can find out per topic what these changes are.

Lifecycle management

In the current version of vSphere, lifecycle management takes up a relatively large amount of time for vSphere admins. vSphere 7.0 will change this – the software architecture of version 7.0 is more accessible and has a single upgrade workflow. This saves time.

For an upgrade, you’ll only have to upgrade vCenter Server. You won’t have to upgrade other components like load balancers.


In vSphere 7.0 VMware offers Identity Federation. With Identity Federation, you can integrate vCenter Server with a enterprise identity. This makes the job of a vSphere admin much easier.

vSphere Trust Authority

In addition to this functionality, you can protect your virtual infrastructure even better with remote attestation by a trusted computing database. To do this, you can use vSphere Trust Authority.

It works as follows: vSphere admins run security checks on a couple of trusted hosts. By doing this, they validate the operating system, the firmware and the credentials.

The next step is to compare these systems with other running systems. If inconsistencies are spotted – the admin can evaluate the security.

Performance and resiliency

VMware recognizes the need for high performing applications. That’s why vSphere 7.0 contains large improvements in the Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), vMotion and Assignable Hardware.

With the improved DRS in vSphere 7.0, the emphasis lays more on the state of the Virtual Machine. The score of the DRS is calculated every minute. The improved vMotion gives administrators the opportunity to extend the capability of vMotion, so it can handle bigger workloads.

Learn more in the VMware What’s New training course

After reading this article you’ll know what the main changes are. But you’ll learn more if you start working with this changed technology straight away – during a training course for example.

In the three day VMware What’s New training course, you’ll discover all the ins and outs of vSphere 7.0. You practise what you’ve learnt immediately. Of course you’ll attend this training course in Global Knowledges’ Virtual Classroom. Need more information? Via the button below you’ll get to the course description.

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