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Webinars passés

Python – Le langage le plus utile au monde

Global Knowledge
  • Date: 20 January, 2020


16:00 GMT

17:00 Central European Time

18:00 Egypt Standard Time


Ce webinar vous présentera Python et pourquoi il s'avère être le langage de la science des données, de l'intelligence artificielle et du Deep learning

Dans ce webinar, vous apprendrez : 

  • Python – Pourquoi s'est-il développé si rapidement ?
  • Python – Que fait-il réellement ?
  • Pandas & Numpy –Des librairies passionnantes
  • Data frames - Comment obtenir et utiliser les données ? 
  • Big Data à l'aide de PySpark – Marrier Python à beaucoup de données
  • Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly et Mapbox –Comment publier des graphiques complexes avec Python
  • Tests statistiques, probabilités et hypothèses
  • Deep Learning -Réseau de neurones artificielles qui changent la société
  • Apprentissage non supervisé –Systèmes de regroupement et de recommandation
  • Offre Python de Global Knowledge
Voir les domaines associés:

David Norwood

With almost 24 years of enterprise development and most of them as a hands-on developer, David has been a mentor and trainer to many technical individuals. As a specialist in development, he was project lead for on-and-offshore development teams in lots of projects, and an integration architect for commercial applications to custom deliverables and EAI initiatives.

With lots of background with object-oriented systems, database application design and web-based application development, David has a solid background in large-scale enterprise applications with transaction processing using Java, web technologies, .NET, messaging, and many other technologies. He has tons of experience with open-source cross-platform development and integration and he is told that he is an excellent communicator.

In 2017 David was enamored by the Cloud. Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform are now the going thing, and its exciting. He is also now doing more Blockchain. He is still hands-on with all the technologies.

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